Sometimes, you have to spend money on your customers. Make sure you’re billing them for it. Usually, money flows from your customers to your business. But there may be times when you have to purchase items for a job whose costs will eventually be reimbursed. Or you, or an employee, might spend time providing services […]
5 Resolutions QuickBooks Online Users Should Make for 2021
New year, new challenges, and the potential for new successes. Here are five ways you can improve your financial management in 2021. A painful year is drawing to a close. We’ll still be dealing with COVID-19 and a struggling economy in early 2021, but there’s hope on the horizon. There’s a lot you can’t control […]
“Extender” Legislation Impacts Individuals and Small Businesses
The federal spending package that was enacted in the waning days of 2019 contains numerous provisions that will impact both businesses and individuals. In addition to repealing three health care taxes and making changes to retirement plan rules, the legislation extends several expired tax provisions. Here is an overview of several of the more important […]
10 Tips for Better Budgeting…
…and how QuickBooks Online can help you with the mechanics. If you already have a budget, it’s probably been difficult for you to stick with it for the last several months. Unless you provide products and/or services that have been in great demand since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, you’ve had to adjust your budget […]
Are Opportunity Zones an Opportunity for You?
Created by the TCJA in 2017, opportunity zones are designed to help economically distressed areas by encouraging investments. This article contains an introduction to the complex details of how these zones work. The IRS describes an opportunity zone as “an economically-distressed community where new investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment.” […]
How to Create and Use Vendor Records in QuickBooks Online
Keeping your supplies coming in may be difficult right now. Be sure you know your vendors and track their records carefully. Your company counts on its supply chains to keep operations running smoothly. When it falters, you can have trouble creating and shipping products. Problems may even crop up that have a negative effect on […]